
What is this?

This is a firmware that can be installed on the micro:bit. You can get stand-alone PC by this firmware, and to learn programming and to make TV games and IoT devices.

To educators
We are looking for educational users of this firmware. We can support your organization, please contact us.
To makers
We are collecting works made by this firmware. Please tell us your works.

How to use?

Connect ichigo:bit to the TV and keyboard.
This is the wiring diagram of ichigo:bit.

(Since the voltage is high, it is better to divide the PS/2 signal.)

There are several ways to connect them.
Wire directly

The only electronic component you need to prepare is two resistor. The circuit is very simple.
(Since the voltage is high, it is better to divide the PS/2 signal.)

Use IchigoIgai

With "micro:Dake adapter" and "IchigoIgai", you don't need to wire at all.
All you have to do is connect your TV and keyboard.

Use IchigoDyhook

With "IchigoDyhook" and "micro:Dake adapter", you don't need to wire at all.

Available OSs

There are some OSs for your choice.

IchigoJam BASIC
A classical BASIC style OS like AppleII, Commodore and MSX. (Under Developing)
A command shell style OS like Unix. There are some version for about programming language. (Under Developing)
A warrior style OS like RPG warrior. You can make program by cross key of game pad.

β Firmware hex Download:

Not yet

How to install?

Connect the microbit to your PC and drag and drop the firmware file onto the microbit.

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