This is a tiny OS for IchigoJam board like a Unix. It has a shell, vi and FORTH engine named 'ts'. See this article.
cls 15 BEGIN DUP 5 lc 0 . 32 rnd 23 lc 1 . 0 scroll DUP 5 scr 0 = WHILE 30 sleep inkey DUP 28 = IF SWAP 1 - SWAP THEN DUP 29 = IF SWAP 1 + SWAP THEN DROP REPEAT
BEGIN 33 out 1000 sleep 18 out 1000 sleep REPEAT
[[ ver 0.3.0 ]] * BEGIN / WHILE / REPEAT * IF / ELSE / THEN * DUP, DROP, SWAP, OVER, ROT * +, -, *, /, =, <, > * ., .s * Words for the board: led ( onoff -- ) \ on/off the LED. [onoff:0,1] btn ( -- onoff ) \ get the Button status. [onoff:0,1] in ( port -- onoff ) \ get from the GPIO-IN ports. [port:1,2,3,4] ana ( port -- val ) \ get from the GPIO-Analog input. [port:0,2] out ( bits -- ) \ set the GPIO-OUT ports. [bits:000000-111111](specify the 'bits' by decimal) pwm ( port, usec -- ) \ set the PWM hi-time usec. pwmt ( usec -- ) \ set the PWM period usec. cls ( -- ) \ clear the screen lc ( x y -- ) \ locate the screen cursor. scr ( x y -- char ) \ get the screen charactor. sleep ( msec -- ) \ sleep msec. dsleep ( msec -- ) \ deep sleep msec. [msec:1000-] inkey ( -- key ) \ get key from the keyboard. rnd ( max -- val ) \ get a random number. tick ( -- msec ) \ get the timer count from system booted. scroll ( dir -- ) \ scroll the screen. [dir:0,1,2,3] rscroll ( dir -- ) \ scroll the screen rotately. [dir:0,1,2,3] video ( onoff -- ) \ set screen mode. [onoff:0,1,2,3] input ( -- val ) \ get a number from user input. bps ( rate -- ) \ set the uart serial bps. (default:115,200) uartw ( char -- ) \ send 1 byte to uart. uartr ( -- char ) \ receive 1 byte from urat. exit ( code -- ) \ exit from this process. envw ( val -- ) \ set OS-env number. envr ( -- val ) \ get OS-env number. (** These Words specification may change in the future. **) [[ ver 0.4.0 ]] *[add] '\' comment *[add] 'VARIABLE', '!', '@' *[add] ':', ';' with '(',')' *[mod] minus literal number supported (in facebook group)
See here.
See IchigoLatte JavaScript Reference for OS and lash usage.
See here to use without NTSC tv and PS/2 keyboard.
See here.